One of the most important aspects of playing roulette that each and every aspiring roulette player should master is the roulette board layout. The roulette board layout is the area on the roulette table where roulette players make their bets. When you know your way in and out of the roulette board layout, it would be possible for you to make the best roulette bets. This is where comes in handy, as players can hone their skills as they practice different gaming strategies here.
The Roulette Board Layout – Inside and Outside Betting Areas
The roulette board layout should reflect the numbers and colors found on the roulette wheel layout. If you play the American roulette game, the roulette board layout should include slots “0” and “00”. However, if you play the European roulette game, the roulette board layout should only include the “0” slot. Furthermore, the roulette board layout is divided into two different areas. The first area on the roulette board layout is called the inside betting area and the second area is called the outside betting area.
The inside betting area is the area on the roulette board layout where you can place the kinds of bets called the “inside bet”. The inside betting area on the roulette board layout contains individual numbers from numbers 1 to 36, “0” (for European roulette), and “0” and “00” (for American roulette). The numbers on the inside betting area are arranged in 3 vertical columns and each column has 12 numbers.
Alternatively, the outside betting area on the roulette betting layout is where you will be placing outside bets. It contains boxes containing groups of numbers, odd/even and red/black.
The Roulette Board Layout – The Roulette Bets
Having a clear image of the roulette board layout is very important. Nevertheless, it is also crucial to understand the kinds of bets that you can make on the roulette board layout.
As discussed above, you can either make an inside or an outside bet on the roulette board layout. What makes them different from each other is the fact that inside bets provide a roulette player better payouts for roulette than outside bets. On the other hand, outside bets provide better odds on the roulette table than inside bets.
The different kinds of inside bets that you can make on the roulette board layout include straight-up (betting on 1 number), split (betting on 2 numbers), street and trio (betting on 3 numbers), corner or square, (betting on 4 numbers), betting on 5 numbers (for American roulette game only) and line (betting on 6 numbers).
Conversely, outside bets include 1 – 18 (betting on numbers 1 to 18), 19 – 36 (betting on numbers 19 to 36), red or black, odd or even, dozen bets (betting on the 1st, then 2nd, and the 3rd 12 numbers) and column bets (betting on all the numbers down the vertical line).
Once you have an idea of what the roulette board layout is and how the different roulette betting systems work, you should then practice. You can make use of free online roulette games to put your knowledge to the test. Practicing how to make bets on the roulette board layout is also a very good way to become more accustomed to making roulette bets and to find out which among the different roulette betting systems suits you best.